Training in Existential Psychology

Here are several options for receiving additional training in existential therapy:

Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association
The Rocky Mountain Humanistic Counseling and Psychological Association is located in Colorado. It offers regular training opportunities in existential-humanistic psychology through continuing education workshops and an annual conference.

Existential-Humanistic Institute (EHI)
EHI offers an annual conference, a number of local training opportunities, and a certificate in the Foundations of Existential-Humanisic Practice (offered in collaboration with Saybrook University).

International Institute for Existential-Humanistic Psychology (IIEHP)
IIEHP is located in Colorado; however, its primary mission is to provide training and opportunities for cultural exchanges relevant to existential-humanistic psychology in China and Southeast Asia. IIEHP also seeks to bring students and scholars from Asia to the United States for dialogues, exchange, and training.

International Institute for Humanistic Studies (IIHS)
Located in Petaluma, CA, IIHS offers a certificate program and a number of other training events in existential-humanistic psychology.

Society for Humanistic Psychology Annual Conference
The Society for Humanistic Psychology has a yearly conference in the Spring that typically features many presentations, symposiums, and workshops on existential therapy.

Point Park University
Point Park has an undergraduate and PsyD degree program rooted in the existential tradition as well as a Masters degree in Community Clinical Psychology.

Duquesne University
Duquesne University offer a Mastesrs and PhD in psychology rooted in an existential-phenomenological approach.

University of West Georgia
The University of West Georgia offers a Masters of Arts and Doctoral Program for Consciousness and Society rooted in the existential tradition.

Michigan School of Psychology (MSP)
MSP offers courses in humanistic and existential psychology in their Masters and PsyD degree programs.

University of Denver Graduate School of Psychology
Although the degree program is not rooted in existential-humanistic psychology, I teach a course each year on existential-humanistic theory and therapy and provide clinical supervision at the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Psychology. Additionally, I serve on occasional doctoral paper committees focusing on topics related to existential-humanistic therapy.

Saybrook Unversity 
Saybrook courses in humanistic and existential psychology.

The Human-Equine Relational Development (HERD) Institute
Founded by Veronica Lac, PhD, the HERD Institute provides training in an approach to equine therapy that is informed by existential-humanistic and Gestalt therapy.